
Fitness Trends 2024: New ways to health and wellbeing this year

WEB2024 is all about posture, movement and using our bodies correctly. Says Hashim Alsaidi, owner of Fitness Space, Wimbledon: “More of us are focused on the movement of our bodies for everyday life and what muscles and processes we use to sit, stand, walk and climb. There is a real focus [in particular] for older generations on the bio

Actived: 3 days ago

URL: https://www.timeandleisure.co.uk/wellbeing/fitness-trends-2024/

The Health Triangle: Make 2021 Your Healthiest Year Yet

WEBA minimum of 15-20 minutes of exercise which gets the heart rate going at least three times a week is ideal for a long-term benefit. Try to keep it fun and varied. The best way to stay motivated is by varying your routine or finding an exercise buddy to work out with. Keeping the health triangle in mind and giving equal importance to all four

Category:  Health Go Health


WEBOral health is a window to your overall health and wellbeing. Regular dental checkups help maintain good oral health by reducing the chance of developing cavities and gum disease but can detect other problems, including oral cancer.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Health MOT: Keep Your Health on Track

WEBIf the pandemic has done one thing, it has made us all the more aware of our health and the importance of staying as fit and well as we can. There are many tools and tests at our disposal to help ensure we stay on track, monitoring everything from blood pressure and BMI to skin changes and our eye health.

Category:  Health Go Health

The 8 best apps for mental health and happiness

WEB2. Happify. Use Happify’s games, tasks, audio tracks and guided meditations to overcome negative thoughts, stress and life’s challenges. Their proven techniques (backed by scientists and experts) teach you to savour the moment, thank others, aspire to goals, give to others, empathize more, and look after your personal health and wellbeing.

Category:  Health Go Health

Michel Roux Jr. Interview: Food, Family & Local Finds

WEBMichel, with his late father Albert & his daughter Emily Roux - three generations of the culinary family. The turbulent year, in which Michel turned 60, dealt him a huge blow with the death of two of his much-loved family members. His uncle passed away in March last year, aged 78, his father, this January, aged 85.

Category:  Health Go Health

Qigong: An Ancient Chinese Route to Self-Healing

WEBIt is so rewarding seeing people become more positive and hopeful about their own health. Qigong sessions are available in person one-to-one, online, and as day workshops and retreats to make it easier to fit into people’s busy schedules. Call today to start your transformation. Flowing Health. 07747 113305.

Category:  Health Go Health

Gut Health – what you need to know

WEBThere has been a huge amount of interest in gut health recently, with its role in both our physical and mental health, and an imbalance could be at the root of everything from allergies and auto-immune conditions to brain health and depression.”

Category:  Health Go Health

How pilates can improve your health

WEB2022 is the year to reset and restore the body and mind. Pilates exercise is well known for its proven health benefits with many top athletes adding the practice to their schedules. The good news is that Pilates is a simple form of exercise that anyone can do, regardless of your age or fitness level. If you are not already aware of what Pilates is or …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Joe Wicks on positivity, parenting and life in Surrey

WEBEpsom-born fitness guru Joe Wicks, aka The Body Coach, took not just the nation, but the world by storm during lockdown. Quickly realising the predicament that many families were in when the schools shut, and no stranger to encouraging kids to be more active, he committed to a daily 9am PE session beamed via YouTube from his lounge in …

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Can schools be places of learning and healing

WEBHowever, with children spending 190 days a year at school on average, teachers and learning staff are well-placed to provide appropriate support to children. In fact, the UK government’s Green Paper Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision asserts that “appropriately trained and supported staff such as teachers

Category:  Health Go Health

Get Active for Youth Mental Health

WEBThe post-pandemic landscape shows a worrying increase in referrals and diagnoses of mental health disorders in this age group. Dr. Nihara Krause CEO and Founder outlines how stem4 ’s resources have been in considerable demand and the valuable role they play in supporting our communities. How big is the problem?

Category:  Health Go Health

Breakfast pioneer Camilla Barnard on how she built Rude Health

WEBTo be in rude health means to be full of vitality and, back in 2005, Camilla Barnard and her three co-founders decided it was the perfect name for their new muesli brand. The idea was formed around the kitchen table with Camilla, her then husband Nick and their neighbours putting in £1000 each to start a business that was all about eating …

Category:  Health Go Health

A Tidy Mind: Declutter for Good Health

WEBHow does it affect my health? Clutter causes stress which can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, muscle tension, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue and overeating. Emotionally you will feel more anxious and irritable with a lowered self-esteem. Mentally you will worry more, have difficulty making decisions and maintaining concentration.

Category:  Health Go Health

Melvyn Bragg on life, career and his new book

WEBHis latest book is a memoir and it is being praised by critics and readers alike. Back in the Day starts in 1945 when Melvyn, an only child in a working-class family in Cumbria, is six and ends when he is 18 and off to Oxford University, having won a scholarship. Not only is it a personal account of his childhood in the town of Wigton but it

Category:  Health Go Health

Wimbledon Walks: Explore 7 of the Best Places for a Stroll in SW19

WEB1 Wimbledon Common from Wimbledon Village to Putney Heath or Richmond Park. Wimbledon Village is great place to start your walk, with a host of cafes and restaurants to enjoy. Head north along the High Street and turn left down Southside Common to reach the beginning of Wimbledon Common.There are 1,140 acres of …

Category:  Health Go Health

Horse therapy for mental health

WEBBut Operation Centaur, based in Richmond Park, takes this further, using ‘equine-assisted psychotherapy’ to help people with a range of mental health problems, including self-harm, eating disorders and anxiety. But you don’t actually ride the horses – instead, it is all about exploring your interaction with the animals, your perceptions

Category:  Health Go Health

Virgin Active Club Wimbledon

WEBOn arrival, the reception is light and spacious and deceptively larger than the entry appears. There is an array of classes, including 150 group exercises classes a week, including Reformer Pilates, Lift Club and Sound Bath, …

Category:  Health Go Health