ASUS Battery Health Charging Software To Make Your Battery Life …

WEBASUS battery health life charging is a program you can use with your ASUS laptop to maximize the lifespan of your laptop battery. By using this software it can make your laptop battery life last longer compared to if you are not using this tool at all. By using ASUS Battery Health Charging, it will increase the longevity of your battery life.

Actived: 7 days ago


Push Notification Cordova, FCM And PHP

WEBPush Notification Cordova, FCM And PHP. By Adam Mudianto - December 05, 2018. This post is about how to create a push notification in mobile app, using Cordova, firebase cloud messaging (FCM) and PHP as a server-side programming language. And we are gonna use cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated as a cordova plugin.

Category:  Health Go Health

Which Better WinZip vs WinRAR

WEBPerformance. I tested today with the latest version of WinRAR and WinZip, to zip and unzip the same files, and this is the results. WinRAR: - zip: 1.494,843 KB and 1 minute 8 seconds. - unzip: 8 seconds. WinZip: - zip: 1,494,035 KB with 1 minute 8 seconds. - unzip: 19 seconds.

Category:  Health Go Health

Basic Knowledge of Oral Cavity, Identifying and Avoiding Oral …

WEB3. Gum (Periodontal) Disease. Gum disease, also called as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums surrounding the teeth. It is also one of the main causes of tooth loss among adults. 4. Oral Cancer. Oral cancer is a serious and deadly disease that affects millions of people.

Category:  Cancer Go Health