Recognize These 8 Signs of Good Oral Dental Health

Maintain good oral health at home by brushing and flossing twice a day and eating a healthy diet. In addition, visiting the knowledgeable and friendly team … See more

Actived: 3 days ago


Why Vitamin D Is Important for Dental Health

WebHow Does Vitamin D Deficiency Affect Dental Health? Like our body, our oral health depends on Vitamin D to maintain strong, healthy teeth. Vitamin D is both a nutrient we ingest from food sources and a hormone our body produces when the skin surface is exposed to sunlight.

Category:  Food,  Vitamin Go Health

How Gaps Between Your Teeth Can Affect Your Dental Health

WebAs mentioned, diastema is the clinical term for a gap formation between two or more teeth in your mouth. Generally speaking, this isn’t a serious or life-threatening condition. That being said, however, there are some individual cases in which having a gap between your teeth can be a signifier of poor dental health or lack of proper oral hygiene.

Category:  Health Go Health

Everything You Need to Know about Tooth Sensitivity

WebTooth sensitivity is when one tooth (or a set of teeth) is sensitive to certain stimulants. The pain involved is often quick and sharp, not lasting too long. If you have sensitive teeth, also known as “dentin hypersensitivity,” it means that the protective layer on your tooth, called enamel, is too thin or is damaged, exposing the softer

Category:  Health Go Health

Connection Between Kidney Disease and Oral Health

WebEverything in our body is interconnected, including the link between our kidney health and oral health. When there is an issue with the kidneys, the rest of the body including the oral cavity, is susceptible to infection and disease. Our kidneys filter and clean toxins from the blood while converting the waste into urine.

Category:  Health Go Health

High Tooth Filling: Causes, Problems, and Treatment

WebProblems Associated with High Dental Fillings. One of the most obvious problems associated with high dental fillings is that they cause the affected tooth to protrude out further than all of the other surrounding teeth in your mouth. Consequently, every time you bite down while eating or even moving your jaw while speaking, you’re

Category:  Health Go Health

Are Citrus Fruits Bad for Teeth

WebCitrus fruits and tooth enamel actually mix as well as oil and water. The same citrus fruits that help support your overall health by providing vitamins and minerals can also contain harsh acids that damage your tooth enamel. This acidity can also cause sensitivity, discolouring of the enamel and promote development of painful canker sores.

Category:  Vitamin Go Health

5 Important Bedtime Oral Hygiene Tips

WebTooth issue remedies aren’t always an overnight solution. Following a complete and consistent oral hygiene routine at home is just as imperative to maintaining excellent dental and gum health as regularly visiting a family dentist in Etobicoke for cleanings and checkups. Here are five important bedtime oral hygiene tips that can help …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is There a Link Between Poor Oral Health and Heart Disease

WebAccording to the Government of Canada, “heart disease refers to the buildup of plaque in the heart’s arteries that could lead to a heart attack, heart failure or death”. Research shows that there may be a link between oral health and heart disease. People who don’t take proper care of their teeth and have severe plaque buildup are at a

Category:  Health Go Health

Winter Dental Care Tips for Healthy Teeth

WebDental problems can arise at any time of the year, which is why it’s important to take good care of your teeth on a regular basis. However, teeth are particularly susceptible to certain damages such as cracking and bacterial infections during the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Do You Know How Sleep Affects Your Oral Health

WebBusy lives can mean lack of a good night’s sleep, despite our best efforts. Understanding how lack of sleep affects your oral health can help lower your risk of serious health conditions.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Relationship between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Dental Health

WebSince rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease, it can negatively affect your dental health in many ways. Inflammation can lead to gum disease, which is a leading cause of tooth decay and oral infections. Even in the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, patients may be more susceptible to oral health conditions such as gingivitis or

Category:  Health Go Health

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta (DI) Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

WebDentinogenesis Imperfecta is a rare dental condition that affects the structure and appearance of teeth causing the discolouration and translucency of the teeth. As this disease directly affects the growth of the tooth, teeth can become weak leading to fractures and tooth loss. Dentinogenesis Imperfecta can have a profound impact on an

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Dental Care Is Important for People with ALS

WebAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive motor neutron disease that affects most parts of a person’s body. As a result, many people living with ALS may need assistance with their oral hygiene.

Category:  Health Go Health

Exploring the Upsides and Downsides of Mouthwash Usage

WebWhile mouthwash destroys harmful bacteria, it can also kill good bacteria, adversely affecting your oral health. This is seen with mouthwash containing antibacterial or antiseptic properties which target all bacteria. Always follow the mouthwash use instructions and don’t overuse mouthwash. Risk of staining teeth and dental restorations.

Category:  Health Go Health

Save on Medical Costs with Regular Teeth Cleaning

WebVisiting your regular dentist for regular teeth cleaning and maintaining good oral health not only keeps your smile looking great and prevents gum disease, but it may also reduce costs for any patients who suffer from a number of medical conditions.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Frequently Asked Questions about Braces

WebTechnically speaking, there’s no ideal age for individuals to get braces. Patients with orthodontic issues such as crooked teeth or a misaligned jaw can get braces at pretty much any age. With that said, most people find it socially acceptable to install braces during adolescence from ages 10 to 14. During this time, the head and oral cavity

Category:  Health Go Health

Serious Effects of Missing Teeth

WebMissing teeth can lead to deterioration of the gums and jawbone. Our teeth help to maintain the health of the tissues within the gumline. The roots of the tooth actually help to stimulate the jawbone. If you lose a tooth, the bone tissue will begin to be resorbed by the body, causing bone loss in the jawline and mouth.

Category:  Health Go Health

How to Take Care of a Dental Bridge

WebUse a Soft-Bristled Brush. When brushing your teeth, it’s important to use a gentle, soft-bristled brush that won’t damage the bridges. It is recommended to use a toothbrush for dentures, which can also be effective for use with bridges.

Category:  Health Go Health