Microchip Vaccine Info Pet Refuge

WebPhone: (574) 355-3444. Email: [email protected]. Website: • VIP Pet Care: Pop-up clinic that provides low-cost vaccinations, microchips, and preventative care. Visit their website for locations/times at or call 1-800-427-973. They usually visit Tractor Supply Co in …

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ABC Clinic Pet Refuge

WebABC CLINIC. Welcome to Michiana’s first and only low-cost spay/neuter clinic. Pet Refuge has promoted spay/neuter for over 30 years. We understand that historically spay/neuter has been cost prohibitive for many, and the need for a low-cost clinic is an essential component in controlling the pet overpopulation crisis. The estimated four

Category:  Health Go Health

About Us Pet Refuge

WebOUR MISSION. To protect the health, welfare and provide the best possible placement for every animal placed in the care of our organization. Recognition of the value of each animal life, and therefore, no euthanasia of any animal unless determined by a veterinarian to be the most merciful treatment. Spaying and neutering of every animal to help

Category:  Health Go Health