
7 Ways to Support a Loved One’s Mental Health

WebSaying ‘I’m worried about you’ or ‘I’ve noticed you haven’t been yourself lately’ can provide a sense of support and safety. Expressing ‘you’ statements such as ‘You need to let that go’ may sound harsh and unsupportive. 5. Don’t assume. When a loved one shares their mental health concerns with you, try not to judge.

Actived: 8 days ago

URL: https://olwparish.org/2024/04/29/7-ways-to-support-a-loved-ones-mental-health/

Overcoming the Stigma of Mental Illness

WebOr it may be unintentional or subtle, such as someone avoiding you because the person assumes you could be unstable, violent or dangerous due to your mental illness. You may even judge yourself. Some of the harmful effects of stigma can include: Reluctance to seek help or treatment. Lack of understanding by family, friends, co-workers or others.

Category:  Health Go Health

Illinois Mental Health Warm Line: Peer & Family Support by …

WebILLINOIS MENTAL HEALTH COLLABORATIVE For Access and Choice The Illinois Mental Health Collaborative for Access and Choice is pleased to announce the opening of the Warm Line! Sometimes what is needed most in difficult times is someone to talk to: Someone who listens and understands. The Warm Line is a new opportunity in …

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Special Nutrient Needs of Older Adults

WebEating right and staying fit are important no matter what your age. As we get older our bodies have different needs, so certain nutrients become especially important for good health. Calcium and Vitamin D Older adults need more calcium and vitamin D to help maintain bone health. To meet these needs, select calcium-rich foods and

Category:  Food,  Vitamin Go Health

Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church FIVE WAYS TO …

WebWith 2019 in full swing, have you made a resolution for the New Year? From weight loss goals to work priorities, New Year resolutions can run the gamut. One thing you might want to add and prioritize on your ‘new year’ checklist – your mental health. The topic can seem overwhelming. How do you prioritize

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Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church Mental Health: Support

WebSupport Resources: Support can come in many forms – spiritual, professional and from local non-profits. Spiritual Support:. The Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers has a number of prayers and spiritual supports including:. Prayer Resources and Cards (Saints Prayer for the Parents, Spiritual Support, Rosary, etc…); Resources by topic …

Category:  Health Go Health

9 Heart Disease Risk Factors You Can Control

WebWhen it comes to heart disease, there are some risk factors outside of your control. Fortunately, you can manage 90 percent of the risk factors that increase your risk for heart disease and the heart attacks it causes. Some changes are about lifestyle. Others are about getting medical care for the health conditions that can

Category:  Medical Go Health

Your Diet Can Impact ADHD Symptoms

WebThe National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates 3-5% of the population has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is an ongoing pattern of attention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with function or development. Symptoms include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Since there is no cure for …

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What to Expect at Your Annual Checkup

WebSEPTEMBER IS HEALTHY AGING MONTH Everyone should have an annual physical for overall health, but what exactly are doctors looking for and what can you expect at a checkup? While in some ways that can depend on the patient, there are certain tests that are standard during a yearly checkup, explains Dr. Katarzyna Scigacz, an

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Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church Virtual Panel Discussion

WebMEETING MENTAL HEALTH WITH GRACE MINISTRY PRESENTS Giving Light to the Darkness: A Virtual Panel Discussion on Depression. When: Monday, January 17th from 7-8:30pm Where: Due to the recent COVID surge, this will now be a live ZOOM Webinar. Please CLICK HERE to register. Father Ryan McMillin will begin the evening …

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Golf Outing to Support School-Based Mental Health Services

WebThe Fitzgerald Family Foundation of Inverness and Alexian Brothers Center for Mental Health invite you to the 4th Annual School-Based Mental Health Services Golf Outing event at Inverness Golf Club on Monday, August 1, 2022. Please join us for an exciting day of golf, delicious food, refreshing drinks, door prizes and so much more.

Category:  Food Go Health

Mental Health Resource Directory

WebThe information above is from the public domain and is not a recommendation or endorsement. - Arlington Psychological Services: 312-369-9999 or 847-670-0880 - The Arlington Center: 847-577-4530 - Holbrook Counseling Center (Catholic Charities), Des Plaines: 312-655-7725 - In-Home counseling: 847-903-5604 - Dr. Beth Sherman, …

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9 Ways to Prioritize Your Heath This Holiday Season

WebLiving a healthy lifestyle can become more challenging during the holidays with an influx of indulgent treats, less movement and increased stress. Prioritize your health by managing these concerns so you can feel your best and tackle the holiday season. How to prioritize nutrition Think simple. Make quick, healthy meals and snacks your go-to choice.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Supporting Teen Suicide Survivors

WebWith teens currently stressed about school and removed from their social circles, this can be a trying time at home navigating change in schedule and being near family for long durations, especially, at an age they are growing in independence. This can cause more feelings of isolation, feeling misunderstood and cause additional stress on …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why You Should Talk to Your Family About Your Medical History

WebIf your uncle has heart disease, your grandmother had a stroke and a cousin has diabetes, you’d likely feel empathy for them. But there’s something else you should do. You should keep a record. Your family medical history is a record of health information about you and your close relatives. This information can help your

Category:  Medical Go Health

Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church HAVING TROUBLE …

WebWith all of life’s responsibilities, it can sometimes feel impossible to carve out time for working out. Suddenly you find that the active lifestyle of your 20s is a thing of the past, and you are now approaching your 40s or 50s and have not truly exercised in years.

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church WHY YOU SHOULD …

WebIf your uncle has heart disease, your grandmother had a stroke and a cousin has diabetes, you would likely feel empathy for them. However, you should do something else. You should keep a record. Your family medical history is a record of health information about you and your close relatives. This information can help your

Category:  Medical Go Health

Think Eternally; Optimize Your Spiritual Health

Web11 th Sunday of Ordinary Time . God’s ways are not our ways, and the Lord sees everything from an eternal perspective. In his second letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul reminds us that our life here, including our bodies, is passing away: “although we know that we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord… we would rather leave the body …

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Our Lady of the Wayside Catholic Church Is The COVID-19 …

WebAside from the economic, social and emotional impacts COVID-19 is having on everyone, it also is taking a physical toll, even if you haven’t been diagnosed with the virus.

Category:  Health Go Health