How to Manage Your Mental Health

Outdoor enthusiasts have long touted the health benefits of being in nature, both physical and mental. But scientists—being scientists—thought they needed to run fancy … See more

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4 Huge Benefits of Meditation (And How to Get Started Today)

WebNumerous studies using MRI and EEG have shown that a regular meditation practice can rewire the neural patterns in the brain and even increase grey matter. 2,3. In a nutshell, meditation leads to: Reduced psychological distress. Better emotional health. Better cognitive abilities. Better physical health.

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Do You Need Therapy

WebTherapy is one of those tricky things, like most self-development tools, because it’s rarely ever a bad thing to do. One could argue that everyone needs therapy in some form or another or for some period of time. But I would only recommend it if you feel you aren’t able to handle your emotional issues and have tried on your own for a while.

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How to Feel Better

WebMeditation does this by teaching us to observe our thoughts and feelings as though they are separate from ourselves. This is how to get better. To turn the subject into object. To transmute the implicit into the explicit. To shift the internal into external. To move from subjective to objective.

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The Hidden Costs of Happiness

WebTo achieve anything, you must give up something else. In today’s happiness-obsessed culture, most pursue the opposite: we want to be happy with no costs, and all of the benefits. We want the rewards without the risks, the gain without the pain. Ironically, it is this unwillingness to sacrifice anything that makes us more miserable.

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5 Ways to Build Resilience and Conquer Adversity

WebResilience is the ability to create positive adaptations to negative events. 5. It’s the ability to take things like anger and sadness and make them useful and productive. It’s the ability to experience failure and self-loathing and use them to improve yourself. It’s turning lemons into a fucking pina colada.

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The Rise and Fall of Ken Wilber

WebA Movement Is Born. In 1999, coming off the success of his monster 1,000-page magnum opus, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, and the model of consciousness and development it presented, Wilber started Integral Institute, a think-tank and academic institution to set the foundation to disseminate Wilber’s ideas to the world. World-famous leaders and thinkers …

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3 Core Components of a Healthy Relationship

Web3 Core Components to a Healthy Relationship. All healthy relationships share the following three core components: Mutual respect. Mutual trust. Mutual affection. We’ll cover each component in more detail throughout this article, but briefly, here’s what they look like in a healthy relationship: Respect in the relationship means that you

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Creating Healthy Habits: A Practical Guide

WebGive yourself plenty of time to wind down and get your body and mind ready for sleep. Exercise, eat well, and sleep. These are your three magic keys to unlocking a healthier life, your healthy trinity. Other compounding habits worth mentioning include: meditation, journaling, reading, and socializing.

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Why Goals Are Overrated (And What to Do Instead)

WebThe point here is to 1) develop a consistent habit of uninhibited self-expression and 2) practice formulating your thoughts in a highly coherent way so that others may understand them. Start with 30 days. As usual, don’t judge yourself. At first, make simply showing up the only requirement for success. 6.

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Episode 17: What Everyone Gets Wrong About Mental Health (ft.

WebTherapist, counselor, and author Lori Gottlieb says that a lot of our culture’s approach to mental health is wrong. In today’s podcast, we discuss what it takes to do therapy effectively. We discuss the prevalence of mental health content online and why that may be a bad thing. We talk about how people’s misunderstandings of vulnerability

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Personal Values: How to Know Who You Really Are

WebWhen somebody says, “I want to be good,” that definition of what is “good” is a reflection of what they value. Some will see “being good” as attaining money. Others will see it as building a family. Others will see it as having a lot of exciting experiences. Whatever it is, it is determined by our personal values.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Guide to Strong Relationship Boundaries

WebBoundaries in relationships work both ways: they create emotional health and are created by people with emotional health. They are something you can start working on today with the people close to you and you’ll begin to notice a difference in your self-esteem, confidence, emotional stability, and so on. And yes, believe it or not, boundaries

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The Backwards Law—Why the Best Things in Life Must Be Let Go

WebSimilarly, it’s only by limiting ourselves–by choosing and committing to certain things in life–that we truly exercise our freedom. Happiness – Trying to be happy makes us less happy. Accepting unhappiness makes us happy. Security – Trying to make ourselves feel as secure as possible generates more insecurity.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Surprising Benefits of Being (Slightly) Crazy

WebMental health is a tricky subject though. And my guess is I’ve already offended about 8,000 people with just these opening paragraphs. 10 But the truth is that a lot of what we consider to be healthy and unhealthy, normal and abnormal, depends on the culture and time we live in. In fact, among psychiatrists, notions of health and disease change from generation to …

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An Unconventional Guide to Happiness

WebPhysical and Mental Health. Engaging in regular exercise, 10 eating a healthy and balanced diet, 11 and getting enough sleep 12 can all contribute to a greater sense of well-being and happiness. We all know this by now. And you are what you consume, but that doesn’t just apply to the food you eat.

Category:  Food Go Health

The Truth About "The Secret" Mark Manson

WebHow ‘The Secret’ Can Screw You Up. The Secret actually requires that you never doubt yourself, never consider negative repercussions, and never indulge in negative thoughts. 11 This is the confirmation bias on steroids, and it can be dangerous: taking on risky business ventures or investments, ignoring red flag behaviors from a romantic partner, denying …

Category:  Health Go Health

10 Life Lessons to Excel in Your 30s

WebDon’t settle for mediocre friends, jobs, love, relationships and life. — Sean, 43. Stay away from miserable people… they will consume you, drain you. — Gabriella, 43. Surround yourself and only date people that make you a better version of yourself, that bring out your best parts, love and accept you. — Xochie.

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