Teen Mental Health Treatment

WEBMoriah Behavioral Health has comprehensive evidence-based treatment provided by a multidisciplinary team of professionals. To ensure each teen receives the appropriate treatment, we offer multiple levels of care and treat co-occurring and underlying issues. Your teen can enter our program at any level, then transition to another if more or less

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The Moriah Model of Care

WEBAt Moriah Behavioral Health, we meet each client where they are when they join us. Our focus is on providing the best level of care for every client that comes to our programs by meeting their individual and clinical needs at the time of admission. One of our core missions is to support our clients throughout their treatment journey and beyond.

Category:  Health Go Health

Mood & Anxiety Treatment

WEBAt Moriah, we understand the complex nature of mood and anxiety disorders and the struggle they can be for teens and adolescents. Our goal for each teen in our programs is for them to gain the skills and knowledge they need to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Anxiety Disorder Treatment

WEBWhat type of Treatment is best? Each teen and their loved ones are dealing with a unique environment and clinical needs. At Moriah Behavioral Health, we meet our clients where they are and personalize treatment to match their individual needs, in the most effective and encouraging manner.

Category:  Health Go Health

Las Vegas Teen Mental Health Outpatient Treatment

WEBAt Moriah Behavioral Health, we want to help your child in developing health and happiness. Our programs are dedicated to two things: helping clients and their families and supporting them during and after the treatment process. Our programs are in home-like settings. Our goal is to make it comfortable and familiar for your teen, so that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Opportunities to practice wellness

WEBWellness is something that all adults and teens (and even children) can practice for a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Practicing wellness is a great mental health tip for teens and six great opportunities to consider are:

Category:  Health Go Health

Mental Health and Well-Being for School-Aged Families: Part 4

WEBDr. David Gennis, Psy.D., LMFT, Regional Operations Director of the Mood and Anxiety Division at Moriah, has worked in the fields of mental health and

Category:  Health Go Health

World Mental Health Day Draws Attention to Teens and Young …

WEBToday, October 10, is World Mental Health Day, a time to recognize that globally, about one in eight people are living with a mental health issue. In the

Category:  Health Go Health

Careers at Moriah

WEB@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IjxoMSBjbGFzcz1cImdvbGRMaW5lXCI+IiwiYWZ0ZXIiOiI8L2gxPiJ9fQ==@ Moriah Behavioral

Category:  Health Go Health

Our Las Vegas Locations


Category:  Health Go Health

Mendi Baron, LCSW

WEBMendi Baron is a passionate advocate for teens and young adults in the fields of mental health and addiction. He creates programs to bring a unique approach to the treatment of adolescents and young adults who are struggling with a variety of emotional and behavioral disorders and substance abuse issues.

Category:  Health Go Health

Referring Professionals

WEBContinuity of care is a cornerstone of our programs. With the focus on the client and ensuring they are continually supported, we work closely with referring professionals to communicate before, during, and after treatment. By coordinating with referring professionals, we know clients and their families receive the best overall support for

Category:  Health Go Health