Discuss and Debate Health Kialo

WEBOnce defined as simply being free from disease, our views on what health encompasses have since expanded greatly. Here, you’ll find discussions regarding our physical, …

Actived: 3 days ago


Should All People in the US Have the Right to Basic… Kialo

WEBThe question of whether every individual in the United States should possess the right to basic healthcare continues to ignite passionate debate. As the nation…

Category:  Health Go Health

Forcing people to pay for healthcare through the state, via

WEBState-enforced healthcare creates a monopoly, without competition; even if the service is poor, individuals are still required to pay for it, leaving them with little recourse for change.

Category:  Course Go Health

Healthcare for all people would save many lives in the US.

WEBSome diseases, such as viral diseases, could spread to other. This would make healthcare a community issue. Universal healthcare is the only way the …

Category:  Health Go Health

It is better for the US to improve healthcare access and… Kialo

WEBInstituting access to health care as a right takes focus away from socio-economic measures that are needed to ensure a long-term increase in good health and well-being. Instead, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Video games are especially helpful for people with… Kialo

WEBWii games, like Wii Sports, create an accessible space to engage in controlled physical and social activity that benefits people living with many kinds of physical and mental disabilities.

Category:  Health Go Health

Is school bad for your mental health

WEBCons. Schools expect and encourage conformity, which can be limiting and harmful to mental health. Schools create and exacerbate inequalities between students. School is …

Category:  Health Go Health

Health care does not fit within the confines of what defines

WEBHealth care does not fit within the confines of what defines a human right.

Category:  Health Go Health

Health care is a finite resource, and therefore cannot be… Kialo

WEBThere is an insufficient number of health care professionals working an insufficient number of man-hours to provide the level of care desired by universal healthcare advocates.

Category:  Health Go Health

There is evidence suggesting that the gross deficiencies in… Kialo

WEBDetention center medical systems fail to guarantee a right to good health because they have severely limited resources and structures concerning healthcare. fail to guarantee …

Category:  Medical Go Health

The “barriers to entry” are too high to ensure competition in…

WEBOne of the major barriers in the US is a "Certificate of Need".Local or state governments need to provide permission to open a facility. They are easily lobbied by incumbent …

Category:  Health Go Health

Taking in refugees has negative economic, health, and… Kialo

WEBTaking in refugees could lead to overpopulation in the host country or region, which could overstretch its resources (p. 40).

Category:  Health Go Health

Government intervention in personal medical choices infringes

WEBIf the government feels that children will suffer at the hand of parents regarding some medical decisions, they have a duty to make actions compulsory. HPV and other …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Who should provide healthcare: the government or the market

WEBWhen provided by the market, the standard of healthcare is superior. Healthcare provided by the market allows indiviuals to maximise free choice over their healthcare. It is …

Category:  Health Go Health

There is research demonstrating that homosexuality is… Kialo

WEBSexual attraction bears no inherent health risk; it is only unsafe sex practices, which would be better resolved by appropriate public sex education rather than trying to discourage …

Category:  Health Go Health

Religious endorsement of self-harm would validate and amplify

WEBReligious views already exact a heavy toll on mental health without the prescription of self-harm.

Category:  Health Go Health

Israeli occupation has a deleterious impact on the physical… Kialo

WEBCons. Israeli occupation has contributed to high rates of mental health issues amongst Palestinians (p. 19). Israeli occupation limits Palestinians' access to health care. Israeli …

Category:  Health Go Health