The Power of a Focused Life

WEBStep 1: Identify your long term goal/s in each area of your life – your physical health, your emotional and spiritual health, your family, your career, etc. Your long-term goals should stretch your faith and strengthen your character. Step 2: Break your long terms goals down into smaller, weekly mini goals that will keep you moving forward.

Actived: Just Now


Why We Keep Casting Our Anxiety on the Lord And Reeling It …

WEBOver the past two years, I have faced unexpected health issues that have resulted in chronic pain, worry, and a whole lot of prayer. I keep casting my anxieties on the Lord, as directed in 1 Peter 5:7, but sometimes it feels like I’m just reeling them back in. Can you relate? If so, today's post is for you! God has revealed a life-changing truth about …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Power of a Focused Life (6 Principles to Live By)

WEBStep 1: Identify your long term goal/s in each area of your life – your physical, emotional, and spiritual health, your family, your career, etc. (Here’s a great SMART Goal Setting Worksheet by CornerStone Executive & Life Coaching Ltd. that you can use to outline your goals.) Step 2: Break your long terms goals down into smaller, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Why it Works to Reduce Stress and Pain

WEBThis week, I visited my physical therapist for a procedure called fascial counterstrain, a manual technique designed to provide pain relief by relaxing the fascia (the connective tissue that covers our nerves, arteries, veins and internal organs) and restoring proper functioning to the body. (Interesting Fact – I saw the same therapist who treated …

Category:  Health Go Health

Winning the War Against Anxiety

WEB“Anxiety disorders in the United States are the number one mental health problem among women and are second only to drug and alcohol abuse among men. In a given year, nearly fifty million Americans will feel the effects of a panic attack, phobias, or other anxiety disorders” (1). External factors including job stress, financial burdens, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Hope in the Wait – How to Trust God’s Timing

WEBWaiting requires us to let go of our health, physical healing, finances, or other worldly attributes as our basis of security and rely on the hope of God as the anchor for our soul (Hebrews 6:19).. Don’t miss this powerful truth! We can hope for answers, healing, a diagnosis, better treatment, a spouse, positive pregnancy test, clear CT scan, new job, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Using our Emotions as Tools for Transformation

WEBIn this week's post, physical therapist, health & life coach, Kate Bartley shares five ways we can harness the power of our emotions and use them as tools for positive growth. When we begin viewing our emotions as neither good nor bad, but simply as internal messages designed to inform us, we can learn to not only walk in health and …

Category:  Health Go Health