
E-Learning for Healthcare Workforce Development iConnect

Web6 Ways e‑learning has transformed healthcare. e‑Learning has huge­ly impact­ed work­force devel­op­ment, par­tic­u­lar­ly since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Invest­ments into e‑learning for health­care has helped: Stream­line GP accreditation. Asyn­chro­nous­ly assess core capabilities. Train­ing super­vi­sors and

Actived: 4 days ago

URL: https://iconnect-online.com/e-learning-for-healthcare/

iConnect Video-enabled learning and development

WebOne platform. Many opportunities for effective training. With iCon­nect you can record skills and exper­tise, analyse per­for­mance, pro­vide feed­back and enable social learn­ing across your organisation, all from with­in our easy to use app. Bring your team togeth­er online to access, reflect, devel­op and share skills and expertise.

Category:  Health Go Health

Shaun Els, Author at iConnect

WebThe trans­for­ma­tion of health­care work­force devel­op­ment has accel­er­at­ed in recent years, with inter­est­ing new ini­tia­tives being reg­u­lar­ly intro­duced to the mar­ket.

Category:  Health Go Health

Proven higher training effectiveness at a fraction of the cost

WebiConnect — The proven solution. 94% of employ­ees said their per­for­mance had improved; 88% said their con­fi­dence had increased; 99% report­ed an increase in con­ver­sa­tions about devel­op­ment among staff; 88% felt there had been a pos­i­tive impact on collaboration

Category:  Health Go Health

Quality Assurance for Training iConnect

WebThe future of GP training. Lake­side Health­care in Northamp­ton­shire are using iCon­nect across their three surg­eries to sup­port the train­ing of GP spe­cial­ist trainees. The system’s secure record­ing and video review has rev­o­lu­tionised Lakeside’s pre­vi­ous­ly tra­di­tion­al approach and become an essen­tial

Category:  Health Go Health

The power of video for GP trainer re-accreditation iConnect

WebHealth Education England North West Health Edu­ca­tion Eng­land North West (HEE NW) have been using iConnect’s video cap­ture app and online feed­back plat­form since 2017 to sup­port GP train­ing and specif­i­cal­ly train­er re-accred­i­ta­tion. In that time, train­ers in the North West

Category:  Health Go Health

Rico Patzer, Author at iConnect

WebHealth Edu­ca­tion Eng­land North West Health Edu­ca­tion Eng­land North West (HEE NW) have been using iConnect’s video cap­ture app and online feed­back plat­form since 2017 to sup­port GP train­ing and specif­i­cal­ly train­er re-accred­i­­ta­­tion. In that time, train­ers in the North West. Rico Patzer November 26

Category:  Health Go Health

Train the trainer Archives iConnect

WebThe trans­for­ma­tion of health­care work­force devel­op­ment has accel­er­at­ed in recent years, with inter­est­ing new ini­tia­tives being reg­u­lar­ly intro­duced to the mar­ket.

Category:  Health Go Health

Workplace Coaching: 4 Common Problems (How To Solve Them)

Web4 most common coaching problems experienced by companies. 1. Time and Distance. Most types of work coach­ing require some ele­ment of trav­el and a sig­nif­i­cant amount of time com­mit­ment. Espe­cial­ly if the work­place coach­ing you’re doing involves trav­el­ling to mul­ti­ple locations. Hav­ing col­lab­o­rat­ed and

Category:  Health Go Health

Supervised Portfolios: How ACPs Can Benefit From Using Video

WebRecording consultations on any device. ACPs can secure­ly record their prac­tice, no mat­ter where it happens. iCon­nect sup­ports ACPs to: Record in-per­son con­sul­ta­tions using our app, which is avail­able on both Apple and Android. Record online con­sul­ta­tions using our built-in video-con­fer­enc­ing or screen cap­ture

Category:  Health Go Health

Ensure high quality consultations of GPs GP-Training iConnect

WebGP Training. Make reflec­tion on prac­tice eas­i­er, quick­er and safer. Alle­vi­ate set-up, qual­i­ty and sound prob­lems to focus con­sul­ta­tion record­ings on improv­ing trainee practice. Reas­sure patients by being a less inva­sive option than oth­er technology. Over­come data pro­tec­tion issues and infor­ma­tion

Category:  Health Go Health

Corporate Blog Professional Development, Training & Sales

WebCoach­ing and men­tor­ing are often over­looked because of the costs and time asso­ci­at­ed with rolling it out, mak­ing them seem out of reach for the major­i­ty of organisations. Follow our corporate blog, providing you with news, opinion and useful resources from the world of staff development, training and sales improvement.

Category:  Health Go Health

Organization Administrator Agreement

WebiConnect : Organization Administrator Agreement (Organization EULA) The monitoring, recording, holding and processing of images of distinguishable individuals constitutes personal data as defined by the Data Protection Act (1998).

Category:  Health Go Health