Johnny Cakes Recipe

WebI started by mixing 1 cup of the corn meal, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt together. Then I added 1 1/2 cups of boiling water to the mix and stirred it well. The batter is pretty thick. Next, I dropped about a tablespoon of the batter onto a pan and cooked it for 6 minutes on each side. It almost looked like mashed potatoes..

Actived: 9 days ago


Healthy, Hungry, and Happy

WebHealthy, Hungry, and Happy. Hello everyone! My name is Amy and I’m a 28 31 year old momma and wife. I am a NASM certified personal trainer, marathon runner, skier, and gym rat (Always consult your doctor before starting a fitness program…a doctor, I am matter what I tell my husband). I believe living a healthy, balanced life is

Category:  Fitness Go Health

7 Natural Cold Remedies

WebMy family has officially NOT been sick for about a week and a half. I swear since the beginning of November, the cold’s have been nonstop. Driving me nuts up in here. I kind of hit a point where I am sick of everyone being sick. I desperately want to keep the bugs OUT of this house […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Healthier Pork Fried Rice *Recipe*

WebHey guys! What’s goin’ on? First and foremost, I’m watching Fear the Walking Dead. Man..intense. Anyway, we’ve been taking it easy over here and just trying to enjoy the last few weeks of summer. The mornings are starting to get colder so I know fall, and then of course winter, will be here before I […]

Category:  Course Go Health

Chocolate Protein Pudding

WebI feel like I’m always looking for “healthy” dessert options. I realize fruit would be the perfect “healthy dessert” but really? Fruit?

Category:  Health Go Health

Pimp my Protein Shake

Webi use one of those magic bullets so its smaller than a blender but i usually put in a scoop of whey, half banana, teaspoon xanthan gum, less than a tsp of cocoa powder, a tbsp or 2 of pb2, ice, then split half almond milk half water. its pretty good!

Category:  Health Go Health

Health Food Finds (AKA Impulse Buys)

WebAKA my-husbands-going-to-kill-me-if-I-keep-shopping-like-this. I wasn’t terrible during this excursion. I went to our nearby (30 minutes away) health food store to pick up some probiotics for my stomach (more on that later) and ended up with a small cart full of goodies. I wanted to share some of the goodies I got and why I bought them […]

Category:  Food Go Health

Kabocha Squash Review

WebI don’t know about you, but I have been hearing about this Kabocha squash for what seems like forever. I swear every blogger on the planet is obsessed with this squash. I’ve wanted to try it for sometime now but my grocery store here in town never has it. A couple days ago I ventured […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Friday Inspiration

WebKeeping up with the theme of this week’s post about happy and healthy body weight, I’ve been working on motivation. I know it’s only been a few days, but like I said, I’ve taken things one day at a time and really focused on healthy eating. I’m actually pretty proud of myself and the choices […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Benefits of Turmeric

Web(photo credit) First and foremost, I am not huge into supplements. I’m typically pretty skeptical because the bottom line is: they are not regulated. There are soooo many different brands and types of supplements that it’s hard to really know what you’re consuming. Something worth a shit or just $20 dollars worth of filler? I only […]

Category:  Supplements Go Health

Freezer Ready Meals

WebEnter your email address in the landing page here.You will then be prompted to share the landing page on Facebook and/or LinkedIn. This is what will make ALL the difference! “Like” her Facebook page here and join the conversation as you see fit. Follow her blog here. She’s a smart gal and I look forward to not only reading her blog regularly, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Weight Lifting For Women

WebI’m sure by now you’ve all heard that lifting weights is crucial if you want to burn fat and add muscle. If you’ve never been much of a weight lifter though, stepping into a gym filled with guys can be intimidating. When that’s the case, it’s much easier to skip it altogether or go straight […]

Category:  Health Go Health

Clean Eating Switch: Coffee Creamer

WebSo, let’s compare….or maybe we shouldn’t….Here’s half and half (I’m guessing non organic half and half has the same ingredients): So, that’s pretty straight forward: 2 ingredients. Here are the nutrition facts: Two tablespoons is 40 calories. That’s not terrible. Let’s take a look at Coffee Mate creamer: Oh my.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Whole30 Approved Mayonnaise

WebThis mayo contains only olive oil. The recipe I followed does specify that you use light olive oil instead of extra virgin because extra virgin has a much stronger taste. They weren’t kidding about that by the way. The only ingredients are olive oil, lemon juice, mustard powder, and 1 egg. Easy!

Category:  Health Go Health