10 Benefits of Zinc for Men HowStuffWorks

WEB10: Boosts Sexual Health and Testosterone Levels. Called "the ultimate sex mineral" by Men's Health magazine, zinc influences a man's fertility, potency, sex drive …

Actived: 8 days ago


10 Health Benefits of Swimming HowStuffWorks

WEBSwimming offers something no other aerobic exercise does: the ability to work your body without harsh impact to your skeletal system. When the human body is submerged in …

Category:  Health Go Health

Home Remedies A-Z HowStuffWorks

WEBBeyond the convenience, home remedies have found favor with a public that wants to take a more holistic approach to its ailments. The home remedies that we have …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Bones Work HowStuffWorks

WEBSesamoid bones (usually classified as short or irregular bones) are placed within tendons in parts of the body where a tendon must cross a joint. These bones hold …

Category:  Health Go Health

10 Common Hospital-acquired Infections HowStuffWorks

WEB10: Central Line Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) A health care worker feeds a catheter down the guide wire. The tip of the catheter is about to enter the skin. Such central lines …

Category:  Health Go Health

How can nicotine be good for me

WEBNicotine is the highly addictive substance found in tobacco that gives users a buzz. It may also have some health benefits. See more drug pictures.. Photographer: Sascha …

Category:  Health Go Health

Oil Diffusers Make Your House Smell Great, But Are They …

WEBHere's where the question of safety gets sticky – the effect of essential oils varies from person to person. "In general, oil diffusers are safe. Their risk of harm is mostly limited to …

Category:  Health Go Health

What constitutes a medical emergency

WEBThe sudden onset of a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence of …

Category:  Medical Go Health

5 Reasons Why Flossing Is Extremely Important HowStuffWorks

WEB1: Flossing Prevents Tartar Buildup. Few parts of a regular dental visit are as uncomfortable as the scraping the dentist or hygienist must do to remove tartar. Tartar is a hard buildup …

Category:  Health Go Health

Insurance Claims HowStuffWorks

WEBA health insurance claim is a bill for health care services that your health care provider turns in to the insurance company for payment. With many plans, when …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Provider Networks Work HowStuffWorks

WEBProvider Networks. The health care professionals in a provider network give care to members of a health insurance plan. See more staying healthy pictures. Before …

Category:  Health Go Health

Is Kimchi Good or Bad for You

WEBIt also boasts an impressive nutrient profile, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Current evidence indicates that kimchi is effective at warding off cancer, obesity and …

Category:  Vitamin,  Cancer Go Health

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Belly Button

WEBIn some babies, the vestigial artery running from the bladder to the navel doesn't close entirely and urine leaks out of the belly button. A simple surgery can close it back up. 3. …

Category:  Health Go Health

10 Instances of Medical Quackery Throughout History

WEB10 Instances of Medical Quackery Throughout History. Dr. Kilmer's Complete Female Remedy from the 1880s will purify the blood and tone those pesky feminine nerves. …

Category:  Medical Go Health

5 Most Commonly Broken Bones HowStuffWorks

WEBThe clavicle-- or collarbone -- rests between the upper ribcage and the scapula (shoulder blade) and is an important bone, as it attaches the arm to the body.It's prominent …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Vitamins for Men's Sexual Health HowStuffWorks

WEBWhat men generally hope for when it comes to sexual health is an enthusiastic libido and a similarly enthusiastic erection (and possibly super-sperm, …

Category:  Health Go Health

The Meaning Behind Semicolon Tattoos: A Symbol of Resilience …

WEBSemicolon tattoos serve as a powerful form of self-expression and solidarity within the mental health community. People choose to get these tattoos to honor their …

Category:  Health Go Health