Healthy Grocery List FreedomYou

WEBBeans, Split Peas and Lentils High in protein, filling to the stomach with many colors, shapes and sizes. Great for veggie soups. Tomato Paste Fat-free, sugar-free, salt-free and versatile. Salsa Sauce Makes good salad dip or for spicing up an avocado or rice mixture. Soya Products High protein, meat replacements.

Actived: 3 days ago


Fasting And The Body FreedomYou

WEBWe are victims of ourselves. Sow unhealthy eating—reap hardening of the arteries, high blood pressure, 30 pounds of excess body fat, weakness, premature aging, even cancer. Sow five hours a week running and biking—reap energy into older life, mental clarity, lean body, lower blood pressure and possible years of healthy old age.

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Polyunsaturated Fat FreedomYou

WEBThe rise of polyunsaturated fats in the modern diet has contributed to a unhealthy imbalance in the proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids.

Category:  Health Go Health

Fasting For Weight Loss FreedomYou

WEBThe answer is no. The last thing you want is to turn fasting into another form of purging creating the all too familiar binge/purge cycle. After melting the pounds away, the long-term benefit of fasting on weight loss is its ability to break food addictions. Once the fast is over and the challenge of eating returns, there is a new freedom from

Category:  Food Go Health

Fasting Weight Loss Testimonies FreedomYou

WEB25 Pounds Weight Loss With Bonus Benefits. Fasting Testimony By Les. "By the time the fast was over, I had lost about 25 lbs., and had never felt better in my life." I have always enjoyed being relatively healthy, but I came to realize just how much I was missing after completing a 22-day juice and water fast.

Category:  Health Go Health

List of the Most Nutritious Foods FreedomYou

WEBCalorie for calorie, the simple cantaloupe is one of the most nutrient dense fruits in your supermarket, providing a big nutrient bang for just a few caloric bucks. The goal of someone seeking the best health possible is to pack in as many nutrients into a 1500 to 2000 calorie day, resulting in radiant health and protection from disease, not to

Category:  Health Go Health

Concentrated Carbohydrates FreedomYou

WEBOne apple has about 80 calories, making two, 160 calories. Carrot sticks, about another 40 calories, so that's 200 raw-food calories versus 1,800 concentrated calories. Reality check—10% apples, 90% cake, white flour and oily nuts: result, bad diet with an apple-induced clear conscience. Although they are very good for you, be careful not to

Category:  Food Go Health

Fasting Cured My Chronic Migraines FreedomYou

WEBAfter about a week of research I began my first fast. At the time I was still having the migraines and I was off the previous medication. I only fasted for five days. I found that after day three, it got a lot easier. I went back to the doctor about a week after the fast and explained to him what I had done. I told him the headaches were gone.

Category:  Health Go Health

Water Fast Resulted In Healing and Better Health FreedomYou

WEBFasting Testimony By Todd Fingerman. “My eyes hurt before the fast and had chronic headaches, both dramatically improved. I now sleep through the night and I wake up feeling refreshed.”. I just completed a 23 day water fast. I have been 99% raw for most of 12 years, which included fruits, veggies, raw meat, eggs, fish, and dairy.

Category:  Health Go Health

Healing Fasting Testimonies FreedomYou

WEBAt the end of the 17 day fast, a number of physical problems disappeared. My doctor had told me I had a stomach reflex disease and would have to take pills for the rest of my life. But after the fast I was completely healed. I has arthritis in my left knee, it was also gone. I lost 21 pounds of excess fat.

Category:  Health Go Health

Fasting Increased Focus and Self-Control FreedomYou

WEBThe call to fasting was for the purpose of cleansing, detoxification, and overcoming bad habits so I could get my life in sync with God’s will. I prepared by paying attention to my diet a few days prior, my last meal before the fast was soup and the day before that I ate only light meals. I began a 72 hour fast at sundown on a Friday, which

Category:  Health Go Health

The Kind Of Fasting That Pleases God FreedomYou

WEBFasting Is A Way Of Inviting Jesus In. Think of fasting as an invitation for Jesus to come and live with you for an appointed period of time. If it helps, set a bed and place-setting at the table. It may sound strange yet useful if only to solidify in your mind the reality of the presence of Jesus. And, be sure that it delights God’s heart

Category:  Health Go Health

Juice Fasting to Restore Health FreedomYou

WEBMy first juice fast lasted 7 days; I had set out to do 30 and didn't make it. All the detoxing just threw my body for a loop. I waited a while and then finished a 14 day juice fast. Next, I made it 21 days and eventually I actually did a 30 day juice fast! During the 21 day juice fast, my bladder completely healed and I haven't had a problem since!

Category:  Health Go Health

Common Physical Reactions To Fasting FreedomYou

WEB"Most of these reactions are not symptoms of fasting but years of neglect, facing years of unhealthy eating manifested by pounds of unnecessary fat and toxins.". It may be a garage piled to the ceiling with generations of junk, or a tub laminated with months of baths, a neglected letter to a friend, long overdue apology, or one day out of the blue, a call to fast.

Category:  Health Go Health

Fasting Helped Break Alcohol Addiction FreedomYou

WEBWhat is even more extraordinary is the speed this change happens due to fasting. Many people break addictions, but fasting accelerates this process, speeding up the detoxifying of the body from drugs and alcohol, healing damaged cells and reestablishing a healthy homeostasis. The advantage of this is that this change is happening so quickly

Category:  Health Go Health

Explore FreedomYou FreedomYou

WEBSince FreedomYou went online twelve years ago, millions have learned how to experience the physical and spiritual health God intended us to have. Finally, we have launched our new site with updated information while dramatically increasing our fasting and nutrition content. Your email questions directed us toward what needed to be written.

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Lost 40 Pounds On a 40 Day Fasting Diet FreedomYou

WEBSimilarly so does the mind and most importantly the spirit. I lost a total of 40 pounds during the 40 days. During the first week after starting to eat solid foods I gained 6 pounds and I have been maintaining that weight for the past two months. Although my weight has remained constant, my muscle mass has increased and my body-fat percentage

Category:  Food Go Health

Is The Human Digestive System Designed For Meat

WEBClearly the rampant problem with osteoporosis is a byproduct of a nation addicted to meat. A human’s digestive system is not genetically designed for a high meat diet. This should not surprise a biblical creationist; after all, man’s intended diet was laid out in Genesis 1: 29-30 and frankly, it reads like a proverbial Vegan For Life diet plan.

Category:  Health Go Health

Improved Rheumatoid Arthritis Through 30 Days of Fasting

WEBAfter previous failed attempts to finish an extended fast, I recently completed my first 30 day juice fast. During the fast, a lot of healing had taken place. Fatigue is a major issue with auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, but during the fast my energy levels actually increased while overall joint pain significantly decreased

Category:  Health Go Health