
Health & Immunization

WebThe mission of Student Health Services (SHS) is to keep students healthy so they can be well-prepared academically. SHS is here for students not just when they are sick, but also to help their mind and body thrive! Our healthcare providers and staff really care about your student’s well-being. Student Health Services offers a range of

Actived: 6 days ago

URL: https://families.ucsc.edu/family-online-orientation/health-immunization.html

Advice from UCSC Families

Web“Be there to listen to your student, but don’t intrude too much”- Jon, family member of third year Cowell student “I’d encourage people to visit the campus earlier [than move-in] because it’s such a huge campus.

Category:  Health Go Health

Support from a Distance

WebYou are allowing them to grow and with your support, they will be successful. Tips for Making the Most of College. Remind your student to: Focus immediately on time management. Create a schedule and stick with it! A 5-unit course assumes spending 15 hrs/week on the class. This includes group study time or time with a writing tutor.

Category:  Course Go Health

Principles of Community

WebPrinciples of Community. At UC Santa Cruz, we strive to promote civility, professionalism, honesty, cooperation, and fairness while creating a long-lasting impact on the student body. We embrace diversity and encourage students to be open, just, purposeful, disciplined, caring, and celebrative - these are known as our Principles of Community.

Category:  Health Go Health

Tips for Parents/Families of First-Year Students

WebIt is important that your student learns to resolve adult conflicts maturely. Encourage your student to attempt to resolve the conflict on their own first. You can help your student by brainstorming with them about ways to approach the person with whom they are having a conflict. If your student is unsuccessful at first, encourage them to talk

Category:  Health Go Health

Transition to College

WebHow to Support Students. 1. Students are adjusting to a new environment with new people, and may feel excited and nervous. Reassure students, and encourage them to attend classes, social activities, and advising. 2. Students are receiving assignments from all classes and learning how to create and manage their own schedules.

Category:  Health Go Health

FERPA and Student Privacy

WebThe F amily E ducational R ights and P rivacy A ct (FERPA) is a federal law administered by the Family Policy Compliance Office in the U.S. Department of Education.FERPA applies to all educational agencies and institutions that receive funding under any program administered by the U.S. Department of Education.

Category:  Health Go Health

Academic Support

WebLearning Support Services (LSS) is a program with tutors, mentors, Supplemental Instruction (SI) leaders, Large Group Tutoring Learning Assistants (LGT), Student Office Assistants, and professional staff committed to narrowing achievement gaps at UCSC. They offer all UCSC undergraduate students academic support services such …

Category:  Health Go Health

Bills and Payments

WebStudent Business Services: Your Guide to UCSC Bills and Payments. Student Business Services (SBS) Financial Service Center is the billing and payment office for the University of California Santa Cruz. SBS is the place to go for information and assistance with: Understanding and paying UCSC bills and charges on your student’s account

Category:  Health Go Health

Tour the Campus (virtually)

WebTour the Campus Virtually. **In order to use the tour on this link, click the camera icons to look at that specific part of the campus. Each of the images that appear upon clicking the camera icon is a 360-degree picture. In order to view the whole picture, you will have to either scroll or click the image and drag your mouse to either side.

Category:  Health Go Health

Santa Cruz Community

WebLocated on the northern tip of Monterey Bay, Santa Cruz is famous for its Mediterranean climate, forested state parks, miles of scenic beaches, and its proximity to Silicon Valley.

Category:  Health Go Health

Parents and Families Newsletter Archive

WebParents and Families Newsletter. Your information resource for news, events, and research breakthroughs at UC Santa Cruz, along with important communications for parents and families.

Category:  Health Go Health

Safety on Campus

WebEmergency Information on MyUCSC Portal. In order to keep in contact with the University and events happening on campus, students are required to update their Emergency Contact information before arriving at UCSC. Encourage your student to follow the directions on how to update their contact information and emergency information on the portal.

Category:  Health Go Health

Housing: Living on and off campus

WebStudents planning to live off-campus while attending UCSC are encouraged to utilize the services and resources of the UCSC Community Rentals Office. Community Rentals is a student's best resource for finding rental housing in the Santa Cruz area. The first step to any off-campus housing search is to complete the online Renters Workshop.

Category:  Health Go Health

Orientation Course

WebThe Orientation Course tuition of $279 will be added to the student's account as a "Summer Session Course Fee" and is due in August. Students may be eligible for financial aid. If a student qualifies for the orientation grant, the full $279 grant amount will be posted as a credit directly to their student account. International Students.

Category:  Course Go Health