
The Importance of Self-Leadership — Southern Equip

WEBBy Justin A. Irving • May 14, 2024. In his book Leading from the Inside Out, Sam Rima argues that all effective, enduring leadership must be built on the foundation of effective self-leadership. He writes, “It is our ability to successfully lead our own life that provides the firm foundation from which we can lead others.”.

Actived: 5 days ago

URL: https://equip.sbts.edu/article/the-importance-of-self-leadership/

The Church Desperately Needs Good Christology — …

WEBThere is no greater need for the church today than to think rightly about Jesus, biblically and theologically. The life and health of the church depends on a correct Christology, rooted and grounded in an accurate theology proper—yet not merely a Christology confessed but one that leads us to faith, trust, and confidence in our Lord …

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Spurgeon’s advice for suffering Christians — Southern Equip

WEBIt was during the Down-Grade Controversy that he truly understood some of God’s promises for the first time. The suffering Christian is looking for hope when swimming in the treacherous ocean of suffering. Spurgeon found such hope in the promises of God. While enduring “tribulation from many flails,” Spurgeon’s appreciation for the

Category:  Health Go Health

Seven ways to identify a healthy church — Southern Equip

WEBIf a leader has all of the following seven traits, it is likely that leader will lead the congregation to greater health. They embrace change. Healthy leaders do not fear change. To the contrary, they embrace it. They understand the constant power and hope of the gospel only presents opportunities. They don’t complain about change; they get

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Spurgeon’s suffering is an example for all pastors

WEBOn Wednesday January 20, Spurgeon was forced to bed due to his declining health and there he remained. Towards the end of the first week in bed, he was able to muster strength to tell his longtime secretary, Joseph Harrald, “My work is done.”. On Sunday night, January 31, 1892, Charles died; Susie was by his bedside.

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Why a Pastor’s Spiritual Life Matters — Southern Equip

WEBIn fact, as Paul reminded Timothy, godliness “holds promise for the present life” (1 Tim 4:8). Your spirituality can inspire or impede the salvation of others. The apostle Paul once told a young pastor to keep a close watch on his life and teaching because “by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim 4:16).

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Balancing family and ministry: Part 2: situations, seasons …

WEBIn Part 1, I discussed two of the five categories that I think of when answering young ministers about how to balance their family and ministry. This part discusses the rest of those five principles that, while not hard and fast rules, have been helpful for my family and ministry. 3. Unique Situations. Beyond our ministry capacities each one of

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6 Ways Confessions of Faith Promote Church Health

WEBConfessions of faith should be used: 1. As an affirmation and defense of the truth. The church of the living God is called to be the pillar and buttress of the truth (1 Tim. 3:15). It is to “follow the pattern of sound words” (2 Tim. 1:13) and to “earnestly contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

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How Important Are Associations for Pastors and Churches

WEBI firmly believe that the health of a local association of churches is essential and critical to the health of pastors and their churches. Many of us in ministry have heard the somewhat depressing statistics about pastor burnout and fallout rates. According to Thom Rainer, a pastor rarely makes it past three years of ministry in one church.

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Breathing new life into dying churches — Southern Equip

WEBOur primary strategy for doing that is called Send North America, and that strategy includes two primary goals. First, we want to help increase the church birth rate by helping Southern Baptists start 15,000 new churches over a 10-year period. Second, we want to help decrease the church death rate. The reason both of these endeavors are so

Category:  Health Go Health

Three changes in theological education: Then and now

WEBIn his presentation, the 29-year-old James Petigru Boyce set forth a comprehensive vision for theological education in what he called “Three Changes in Theological Institutions.”. Its seismic impact upon the Southern Baptist Convention, and the seminary he went on to start, could have hardly been imagined that day 162 years ago.

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Church revitalization: A biblical approach — Southern Equip

WEBA Biblical Approach. There is a balanced, biblical approach to the work of revitalization that is both more effective as well as more faithful to God’s design for the local church. This method rests its full weight on the truth that God’s spirit working through his Word is the only way to bring true lasting spiritual life to a local church.

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The Gospel, Human Flourishing, and the Foundation of Social Order

WEBThe conversation concerning human flourishing and the reach of the gospel extends to all spheres of the human experience including the element we treasure most as Americans—freedom. The American experience is most privileged in its enjoyment of liberties but the hostility toward Christianity threatens every privilege enjoyed because …

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5 reasons a shrinking church may be a good thing

WEBThe SBC’s primary way of measuring the condition of local churches is by this tri-fold rubric: Growing. Plateau. Decline. The declining church is always seen as bad. There are typically legitimate reasons for concern when a church declines in its finances and number of people. And yet, as I have watched our local church cycle through growth

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Sermon: Expositional Preaching as a Mark of a Healthy Church

WEBExpositional Preaching. The most important distinguishing mark of a healthy church is expositional preaching. It is the most important because careful and thorough preaching of God’s Word will bring many other blessings to a church. Without expository preaching, other signs of health may be accidental.

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Meeting again after COVID-19: one church's plan

WEBWe will dedicate an entire side of pews for those over 60 or whose health is compromised, but wish to attend. The Lord’s supper will be prepared by one deacon with proper protection. The Lord’s supper will be administered by 2 deacons wearing proper protection. Two deacons will pass the offering plate and serve the Lord’s supper.

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The Life and Significance of Ann Hasseltine Judson (1789-1826)

WEBAnn, affectionately known as “Nancy,” was born just before the Christmas of 1789 in Bradford (Massachusetts). The youngest of five children, she was doted on by the family, and was an especial favourite of her warm-hearted father, John Hasseltine. Lively, adventurous, cheerful, determined, and highly intelligent, she was not in the least

Category:  Health Go Health

3 reasons your church should be all about numbers

WEBEvery single one. Our churches should care about the number of individuals who are being saved because we should care about every individual. Every person who finds forgiveness of sins at the cross is one more brother, one more sister, one more person who is no longer separated from God. We cannot simply content ourselves, saying, “We …

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