Benefits of running for mental health Coach the Run

WEBExplore the benefits of running for mental health, discover the science behind your runner's high, with tips for a healthier mind and body.

Actived: 9 days ago


Knee noises from running: understanding crepitus Coach the Run

WEBCrepitus is a term used to describe the grinding, creaking, or crackling noise that can be heard when moving a joint. It can occur in any joint in the body, including the knee joint. For runners, it’s most commonly felt and heard around the kneecap or patella. This noise can be audible, palpable, or both.

Category:  Health Go Health

How running groups improve mental health Coach the Run

WEBThis can help individuals let go of physical and emotional stress, mental health problems and find peace in the present. Additionally, many running groups incorporate mindfulness practices into their runs such as guided meditations or mindful running techniques. This can further enhance the mental health benefits of running in a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Will my legs ever get used to running

WEBWith patience, hard work, and mindful practices, your legs will indeed get used to running. Implementing the tips outlined in this guide should put you well on your way to achieving your running goals. Give our Coach the Run Beginners Training Plan a try, and watch as running becomes an enjoyable and natural part of your routine.

Category:  Health Go Health

Running for our mental health, not just for time Coach the Run

WEBFor many people, running is seen as a way to improve physical health, lose weight and achieve that all-important goal time. While these are certainly important benefits of running, there is another major advantage that often goes overlooked – its positive impact on mental health.

Category:  Health Go Health

20 tips for running motivation: from morning runs to marathons

WEBSet goals and measure your progress. Setting clear, achievable goals can give you something to work towards and track your progress. This can help keep you motivated and make your runs feel more purposeful. Whether it’s a certain distance or time goal, write it down and regularly assess your progress.

Category:  Health Go Health

Carb loading for running a marathon Coach the Run

WEBThe concept behind carb loading is to increase the body’s glycogen stores in preparation for intense exercise, such as a big race or running a marathon. Glycogen is the storage form of glucose, which is the body’s primary source of energy during exercise. By increasing glycogen stores, carb loading aims to ensure that the body has enough

Category:  Health Go Health

The benefits of running for women Coach the Run

WEBRunning promotes healthy ageing and reduces the risk of numerous chronic conditions, including hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. Research even indicates that running may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in women by up to 45%. Blood vessels are responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the body’s organs, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Coach the Run Midlife Running Advice & Training Plans

WEBCoaching for the midlife runner. Elevate your running performance with our exclusive coaching guidance and personalised training plans for all levels, crafted by Mike Gratton – winner of the London Marathon (2hrs 9mins). We are perfect for midlife runners seeking to maximise their health and speed.

Category:  Health Go Health

The benefits of running 10k Coach the Run

WEBRunning a 10k offers numerous advantages that make it worthwhile for all ages and fitness levels. Find out more about the benefits of running 10k.

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Is running 3 times a week enough to lose weight

WEBThe answer is yes. Running three times a week can help you achieve weight loss, especially if you’re consistent and committed to your workouts. It is an effective form of exercise that can help burn calories and improve your overall physical fitness levels. Running can significantly enhance the rate at which energy is burned during physical

Category:  Fitness Go Health

Your ultimate couch to 5K plan PDF: from sofa to finish line in weeks

WEBMore than a training programme, the Couch to 5K journey is a transformative lifestyle change. This eight-week plan is designed to help absolute beginners build up their stamina and endurance, ultimately enabling them to run a 5K without stopping. Three invigorating running days each week, complemented by a rest day in between, make up …

Category:  Health Go Health

24 Week Marathon Training Plan PDF – Achieve Your Goals

WEBExperts recommend training four or five days a week to prepare for a marathon adequately. This schedule allows for adequate rest and recovery while still providing enough training to build endurance and strength. Our 24 week marathon training plan PDF is strategically designed to provide a mix of running workouts, cross-training, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Does it matter if I run slow

WEBSlow and steady wins the health race. The slow progress of running is what makes it such a rewarding sport. Your capacity and stamina will grow, imperceptibly at first, but with meaningful consistency. Don’t push yourself too hard, too soon. The long-term goal is to enjoy running while staying injury-free.

Category:  Health Go Health

What is lactate threshold

WEBLactate threshold is the point at which blood lactate production begins to exceed blood lactate clearance. This means that as exercise intensity increases, so does the amount of lactate in the muscles. The body can remove lactate from the muscles through a variety of mechanisms, such as being used as fuel or being transported to …

Category:  Health Go Health

Using salt tablets during a run: a runner’s secret weapon

WEBSalt tablets are small, easy-to-swallow tablets containing primarily sodium, a crucial electrolyte that helps regulate fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. They can also provide other electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which can be beneficial for athletes, especially during endurance activities like running.

Category:  Health Go Health

How do I start running when overweight and out of shape

WEBRunning might seem daunting for overweight and out-of-shape individuals, but it’s an effective way to kick-start your journey to better health.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Musculoskeletal System and The Menopause – Part 2

WEBThe Musculoskeletal System and The Menopause – Part 2. April 29 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm. Milton Keynes Half 2024. Belfast City Marathon 2024. Join us for the second part of the insightful virtual event with three clinical experts – Women’s Health Dietitian & Performance Nutritionist Dr Linia Patel, Women’s Health Specialist Pelvic Health

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

Coros Pace 3 running watch review: the ultimate timepiece for …

WEBThe Pace 3 has an impressive battery life of up to 30 hours in GPS mode and 20 days in regular mode, making it perfect for long races and extended training sessions. Coros excels in battery life, and even with its smaller case size, the Pace 3 still offers more than 30 hours of continuous GPS tracking.

Category:  Health Go Health