Cancer and mental health: Coping with the burden of your diagnosis

It's not always easy or instinctual to talk about something as serious or upsetting as a cancer diagnosis. While some people may lean on close friends and family, others may choose to cope by avoiding the subject. "One of the things that people naturally do when they're diagnosed with cancer, is they tend to shut down … See more

Actived: 1 days ago


Matters of the heart: How cancer and cancer treatment can affect …

WEBBy Jessica Saenz. Cancer can form anywhere in the body, including the heart. While heart cancer, also known as a malignant primary cardiac tumor, is rare, the …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Establishing healthy behaviors that stick

WEBConsistency is complicated. Whether you choose a lifelong goal or a temporary objective, staying motivated requires complex planning and follow-through. …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center Blog

WEBMayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center Blog. New study finds triple-negative breast cancer tumors with an increase in immune cells have lower risk of …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

People with pancreatic cancer are living longer, thanks to …

WEBBy Jessica Saenz. A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is almost synonymous with hopelessness. As the least survivable type of cancer, the perception is …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Excess body weight, alcohol and tobacco: How lifestyle can affect …

WEBHere, he discusses the link between these risk factors and cancer and the steps you can take to reduce your risk. He says there is always time to make lifestyle …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Understanding lung nodules: Determining risks and diagnosing

WEBThe interval and frequency of those scans will be determined by the health care team. Additional tests. PET scans may be offered to identify high metabolic activity …

Category:  Health Go Health

7 steps to better nutrition habits for cancer survivors

WEB1. Start with a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits and whole grains. "For cancer survivors, we recommend the same diet we recommend for cancer …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Lung cancer: It’s not just about smoking

WEBLung cancer: It’s not just about smoking. November 18, 2021. Estimated reading time: 5 minutes. By Nicole Brudos Ferrara. In the U.S. alone, the National …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Who is at high risk for breast cancer

WEBAbout 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. For most women, a combination of factors can contribute to their level of risk, including lifestyle choices or …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

You survived thyroid cancer. What’s next

WEBIt's common to experience side effects from the cancer or its treatment during and after thyroid cancer treatment. Some side effects may occur in the short …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Emotional recovery after cancer treatment

WEBTalk with your health care team about ways to improve your resilience and emotional health. Some tips include: Manage stress levels. A cancer journey could be …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

A promising new treatment for lymphedema

WEBSurgical options at Mayo Clinic. Mayo Clinic is a leader in surgical options to reverse the damage from lymphedema. Dr. Forte specializes in lymphovenous bypass, a …

Category:  Health Go Health

Leukemia: A cancer that affects children and adults

WEBThe most common type of childhood cancer mostly develops in older adults. Leukemia is often thought of as a childhood cancer. But while acute lymphocytic …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Gather your family health history; it could save your life

WEBDr. Presutti says a red flag should go up if any family members have any of these health history situations listed by the National Cancer Institute: Cancer was …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

What to expect when caring for someone with cancer

WEBBy Nicole Brudos Ferrara. People who care for someone with cancer are often called cancer caregivers. “Everybody who is supporting somebody through the …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Regaining sexual health after cancer treatment

WEBThere are also amazing mental health providers who specialize in sexual health and sex therapy, as well as oncology care and cancer care. They help people …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

4 things you can do to improve your quality of life after breast …

WEBTalk to your health care professional about the likelihood of side effects and what you can do to relieve your symptoms. In many cases, medications, physical …

Category:  Health Go Health

Lung cancer surgery: Types, recovery and survivorship

WEBWedge resection to remove a small lung section containing the tumor and a margin of healthy tissue. Segmental resection to remove a larger portion of lung, but not …

Category:  Health Go Health

Integrative oncology: Lifestyle medicine for people with cancer

WEBHealth care professionals can now choose from a range of evidence-based approaches that may help, including: Acupuncture and acupressure During acupuncture …

Category:  Health Go Health

Mayo Clinic experts answer 4 questions about gynecologic cancer

WEBSymptoms of gynecologic cancer are often overlooked or dismissed as normal. "It's very important that people stay attuned to their bodies," says Dr. Butler. …

Category:  Cancer Go Health

What people who identify as LGBTQ should know about cancer

WEBNavigating the health care system as an LGBTQ person can be challenging and uncomfortable, but taking steps to find proper care and understanding your cancer …

Category:  Cancer Go Health