App Service Slots: Zero Downtime Deployment

WEBWrapping Up. By utilizing blue-green deployments with App Service slots, we can achieve zero-downtime releases and ensure users experience seamless …

Actived: 8 days ago


Running tests with code coverage in Azure DevOps YAML pipelines

WEBOpen your azure-pipelines.yml file and add this stage between the build and the deployment stages. This stage has a task which runs the unit tests for all the …

Category:  Health Go Health

Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines: Bicep Infrastructure Deployment

WEBPreparing Azure DevOps for Bicep deployment. Before our pipeline can make Azure deployments we first need to create a service connection to Azure. For this, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Azure DevOps Tips: Break YAML into multiple files

WEB2. Create Distinct YAMLs for Each Stage. 3. Reference these files within the main YAML. In the realm of Azure DevOps, infrastructure management via YAML files …

Category:  Health Go Health

Running e2e tests with Playwright in Azure YAML Pipelines

WEBTo run the e2e tests, we can reuse the job from the Frontend pipeline and add another step that checks out the Frontend repository: - job: e2etests displayName: …

Category:  Health Go Health

Publishing Playwright report as an artifact in Azure DevOps

WEBPre-Deployment Health Checks in Azure DevOps YAML Pipelines. Azure DevOps Best Practices: Breaking Down the Monolithic YAML. To store the Playwright …

Category:  Health Go Health

Static code analysis with NDepend in Azure Pipelines

WEBUse Windows agents. 3. Install the NDepend extension into Azure DevOps. 4. Add the NDepend task. Creating a multi-stage YAML pipeline in Azure DevOps for …

Category:  Health Go Health

Archive of Bogdan Bujdea

WEBArchive with all posts at Bogdan Bujdea on Hashnode community for blogging.

Category:  Health Go Health