How to Communicate Between Scenes in Phaser 3

Every Scene has an events property that is an EventEmitterinstance local to each Scene. It is generally used to listen for Scene events like SHUTDOWNto perform … See more

Actived: 7 days ago


How to Create a Fast Loading Animation in Phaser 3

WEBThis code can be a bit confusing as you have to visualize where each bar is and how they are rotated and then convert that to math. We have the cx and cy variables that designate the center of the loading animation. From there, we create rectangular bars starting from the top (or the 12 o'clock position) and place them at the perimeter of the …

Category:  Health Go Health

5 Tips for Getting Started with Kaboom.js

WEBThe key lines are 6 - 13 where we load the tilemap.png file and tell Kaboom.js that it is 20 frames wide and 20 frames tall using sliceX and sliceY.We can then reference each frame using an index for animations as shown in the anims property.. There's 2 animations named idle and run.The idle animation uses frame 300 and then …

Category:  Health Go Health