12 Best Vitamin Supplements For Healthy Teeth and Gums

Vitamin A boosts healthy saliva production, which in turn helps remove harmful bacteria as well as food particles from mouth and reduce risk of developing cavities.See more

Actived: 6 days ago


Possible Oil Pulling Health Benefits For Teeth and Gums

WebLooking closer at the properties of the oil used, for example, coconut may provide a better idea of why pullers are boasting about healthy teeth and gums. We found a study from 2010, showing that coconut oil could help reduce inflammation. Interestingly, coconut oil has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties when applied topically.

Category:  Health Go Health

Drinking Coffee Can Help Fight Gum Disease

WebRecent research from Henry Goldman’s School of Dental Medicine at Boston University found that drinking coffee regularly can actually help reverse the effects of gum disease while reducing the risk of getting gum disease to begin with. Coffee has long been a controversial subject when associated with health, but over the last several years

Category:  Medicine Go Health

How to Reverse Periodontal Disease at Home Without Surgery

Web1. Special Toothpaste for Receding Gums. There is a variety of toothpaste that can help reverse periodontal disease and improve the health of receding gums. Changing to a more natural toothpaste is one of the best ways to improve your oral hygiene routine. There are a variety of options available, each with different ingredients correctly used

Category:  Health Go Health

Not All Dental Fillings Are Non-Toxic

WebThe main reason that toxic materials are used in dental care is their comparatively lower cost (according to industry averages). Silver fillings typically cost $50 to $300, and composite resin fillings can cost anything from $90 to $450+. While these options are much cheaper than porcelain inlays and onlays—which can cost between $250 and

Category:  Health Go Health

I Have Really Bad Teeth

WebPossible solutions: Porcelain veneers, crowns and bridges, dental implants. Misshapen teeth may include malformed teeth, chipped teeth, or cracked teeth. While the causes can range from genetic disorders to physical trauma, the solutions are largely the same. If the issue is strictly cosmetic and the tooth is otherwise healthy, porcelain

Category:  Health Go Health

CBD Oil for Gum Disease

WebOver 47% of adults over 30 are living with some form of periodontal disease (also known as gum disease), and some are turning to a novel treatment option: cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant, and it’s being researched as a potential remedy for everything from anxiety to epilepsy to chronic pain.

Category:  Health Go Health

Alkaline Water Helps Prevent Cavities

WebSwitching to a more optimal pH water might actually lead to less tartar build up which is the main reason people get cavities. Keep a bottle of alkaline water next to your toothbrush and be sure to swish the liquid around in your mouth so it makes contact with your teeth below the plaque’s sticky layer. Carry a bottle around with you and

Category:  Health Go Health

Can Red Wine Prevent Cavities and Gum Disease

WebIn addition to fighting off bacteria, red wine has also been linked to offer protection from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases. Of course, as with anything sweet and delicious, moderation, moderation, moderation. The research doesn’t conclude that excess amounts of red wine are solutions for cavities and gum

Category:  Course Go Health

Which Filling Is Best for Teeth

WebCavity size also affects the choice of filling material. Ceramic fillings and amalgam fillings are best for larger cavities that are able to hold them securely, whereas composite resin can be used in tiny cavities and on chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. The best type of filling may be different for each tooth, depending on the location and

Category:  Health Go Health

Is It Normal to See Gums Bleeding After a Dental Cleaning

WebThe most important thing to remember is that you can usually stop bleeding gums in a week or two by flossing and brushing properly and by using an antibacterial mouthwash. If your gums continue to bleed more than a week or two after a professional cleaning, see your dentist for a more thorough evaluation of your periodontal and dental health.

Category:  Health Go Health

Are Silver Dental Fillings Safe

WebThe safety of silver amalgam fillings has been a hot topic in recent years, with consumers launching a lawsuit against the American Food and Drug Administration in 2014 for failing to restrict or ban the use of mercury-containing dental amalgam in vulnerable populations. Meanwhile, the American Dental Association still claims that dental amalgam fillings are …

Category:  Food Go Health

10 Main Differences Between Dental Implants vs Crowns

Web4. Strength. Dental implants are as strong as natural teeth, whereas patients with dental crowns need to avoid foods that are very hard or sticky such as ice cubes and toffee. 5. Longevity. Dental crowns that are made of durable materials such as porcelain or gold can last for 10 to 15 years if properly cared for.

Category:  Food Go Health

Top 10 Dental Apps Arthur Glosman, DDS

WebVirtual Dentist. Third in our list of top dental apps is Virtual Dentist, an app that simulates dental procedures by asking you upload a pic showing your teeth. The app is compatible with iPhone and iPad and simulates procedures like dental reshaping, fillings, implants, veneers, gum reshaping, gum bleaching, whitening, braces, and more.

Category:  Health Go Health

Dental Implant Failure Symptoms & Signs of Implant Rejection

WebSwelling, Inflammation, and Bleeding. Redness, swelling, inflammation, and bleeding around the implantation site is a bad sign after the initial few days. Infections can and do occur— especially in smokers, people with an autoimmune disease or …

Category:  Health Go Health

Extreme Smile Makeover Procedures and Treatments Explained

WebWhen you add up the cost of all of the treatments required for an extreme smile makeover, the cost can reach $30,000 to $50,000 on the low end, or more than $200,000 on the high end. On average, one dental implant can cost $3,000 to $6,000 and a porcelain veneer can cost up to $2,500 . The good news is that insurance may cover some of the cost

Category:  Health Go Health

What Foods Can You Eat With Veneers

WebTough, bone-in meats. Any food that can stain the teeth, including the aforementioned beverages as well as ketchup, berries, and other staining agents (enjoy in moderation) Toasted or hard breads. Sticky foods like caramels. Extremely cold and hot beverages, as these can cause some types of temporary veneers to expand and tighten on contact.

Category:  Food Go Health

Five Dental Tips to Remember this Thanksgiving

WebBrush and Floss (or pick) Throughout the Day. Though seemingly a simple everyday task (or inconvenience, depending on how you view oral hygiene practices), brushing and flossing your teeth often on Thanksgiving Day ensures that your teeth stay clean and healthy. While this won't completely stop tooth decay from overindulging, brushing and

Category:  Health Go Health

Porcelain Fillings vs Composite Fillings Comparison

WebCompared to composite fillings, which last around 5-10 years on average, porcelain fillings generally last for at least 15 years, making them a much longer-term investment. The durability of porcelain fillings even exceeds that of gold fillings and silver amalgam fillings, which typically last up to 15 years.

Category:  Health Go Health