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WebZocdoc Answers is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor (in the United States) 911 immediately. Always seek the advice of your doctor before starting or changing treatment. Medical professionals who provide responses to

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If you get sick all of the time does it mean you have a bad …

WebAnswer. You are definitely correct that there are conditions that involve a defect in the immune system, and people who suffer from these conditions tend to get frequent infections. However, in critical point here is that these infections tend to be rather severe, requiring hospitalization and aggressive treatment.

Category:  Health Go Health

Do doctors check for HIV during one's physical

WebAnswer. HIV is not yet part of regular routine screening that all patients must get at their annual physical. However, it is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and several medical associations that adults (and even teenagers as young as 13 years old) get regularly screened for HIV. For those individuals at higher risk of contracting

Category:  Medical Go Health

"How can I find out if something is wrong with my brain

WebAnswer. The best thing you can do to ensure good brain health, and in fact health of your whole body, is have regular checkups with your primary care doctor. It sounds like your concern about your brain is not provoked by any specific symptoms but rather by a desire to make sure everything is ok. This is exactly the point of the annual physical

Category:  Health Go Health

My body seems to be having difficulty fighting simple …

WebZocdoc Answers is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor (in the United States) 911 immediately.

Category:  Medical Go Health

My Alt was 64, what does that mean

WebThe workup for elevated ALT includes sending off tests for viral hepatitis including hepatitis A, B, and C. Of note, these usually cause ALT elevations that are much greater, but could represent a low level of chronic infection in some cases. A more common possibility is fatty liver, also known as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

Category:  Health Go Health

"Is a small blockage in your heart a cause for concern

WebA blockage in the blood vessels that serve the heart (which is what I think you mean by a blockage in your hear) is something that is common, but serious and should be taken very seriously. If they get large and serious, these blockages are the source of heart attacks, heart failure, and chest pain. In order to make the statement that you have

Category:  Health Go Health

"What does it mean if a person's skin is turning yellow

WebAnswer. Yellow skin color is also known as jaundice, which can occur for a number of reasons. The most common reason is a result of a liver disease. Most of the time, it is due to hepatitis virus, alcohol, or cholangitis.

Category:  Health Go Health

"Is it dangerous and/or addictive to take Tylenol PM every …

WebAnswer. Many people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep and find that taking medications can help them get better sleep at night. Tylenol PM is a relatively mild over-the-counter sleep aid that consists of tylenol (a pain reliever) and benadryl (an anti-histamine). Most of the sleep aid effect of Tylenol PM comes from the benadryl, as

Category:  Health Go Health

Why is my toe still swollen

WebMany times, after breaking a small bone in the foot like a toe, the swelling can last for a very long time. In fact, it is common to still have swelling for weeks or months; in part this is because the constant weight of your body pressing on the area delays healing longer than you might experience in a different part of the body.

Category:  Health Go Health

Can taking aspirin damage your liver

WebWith respect to your liver, Aspirin does not generally have negative effects on the liver. There are other medications, such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) which can cause damage to your liver if you take more than the recommended amount. Taking 3000mg or more of Tylenol (acetaminophen) can cause liver damage. With respect to Aspirin and the liver.

Category:  Health Go Health

"What does the mri test results are "essentially normal" mean

WebBecause all tests are imperfect, there are times that a doctor needs to utilize judgement to say what is relevant and what is not. In that sort of situation he or she will often say that a scan is "essentially normal." If you want more information, please speak with your doctor about what the other findings were. Please speak with your doctor.

Category:  Health Go Health

Are x-rays dangerous for older people

WebX-rays themselves use very little radiation, and pose minimal risk. CT scans should be used judiciously, however, as they are made of many x-rays. Elderly people are at decreased risk, however, as the major risk from the radiation is the potential it has to disrupt the DNA and potential lead to cancer, which occurs over long periods of time

Category:  Cancer Go Health

Do skin tags indicate other health problems

WebAnswer. Skin tags are generally benign skin findings that may require medical treatment if they become large or uncomfortable. Physicians who would be qualified to discuss this issue with you will include your primary care doctor or your dermatologist. Skin tags (also known as acrochordon) are small fleshy growths of skin that are generally

Category:  Medical Go Health

My doctor did an EKG then asked me if I have an enlarged heart.

WebZocdoc Answers is for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor (in the United States) 911 immediately.

Category:  Medical Go Health

"Did my diet cause hair loss

WebFind Primary care doctors near you. However, when the body undergoes stress - which can be due to weight loss, emotional stresses, surgeries - sometimes the hair follicles all sync up and die at the same time, causing more diffuse hair loss. For most people this is temporary and the hair eventually grows back and enters a more normal growth cycle.

Category:  Health Go Health

How does Xanax affect one's intestines

WebAlprazolam (Xanax) is a medication that is commonly used in the management of anxiety disorders, including anxiety disorders that have a significant component of insomnia, which is likely your situation. Alprazolam can have some side effects on the gastrointestinal tract. Some of the more common gastrointestinal side effects of alprazolam

Category:  Health Go Health

I noticed that I am ejaculating brownish semen. What is wrong …

WebHello. About 4 months ago my sperm came out a dark reddish color with no pain. Ever since then it has gotten lighter about every week. Now it is a very light brownish color with red specks in it. However, I have now noticed that my semen does not shoot out like it is supposed to anymore, it kind of dribbles out of the tip. Also, I do experience some slight …

Category:  Health Go Health

"What is the gel like substance I spit out when I use mouthwash

WebFind Dentists near you. When they interact, the result can be small gel-like flecks of debris that you spit out into the sink when you are done rinsing with the mouthwash. Unless you otherwise have symptoms, you should not have to worry. On the other hand, if you do have symptoms, such as odor, bleeding, or pain, you should see your dentist as

Category:  Health Go Health