Benefits of a Balanced Public Health Strategy AIER

WEBOn March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic, deeming the virus to be a critical issue in global health. As of December 31, 2021 nearly two years after the first cases were detected, there have been an estimated 290 million confirmed cases worldwide, with some 5.5 million deaths.

Actived: 5 days ago


We Don’t Have a Real Market for Health Care in the U.S. AIER

WEBAmericans, by contrast, waste $2.4 trillion a year on unnecessary health care costs that could be put to other purposes. Huge gains, as Flynn shows through the use of real-world American examples, would come from three simple reforms: (1) posted prices for procedures; (2) Goodman-esque health savings accounts and high-deductible …

Category:  Health Go Health

Are We Really Ready for Free-Market Healthcare

WEBAt Reason, Peter Suderman delves into expert responses to Elizabeth Warren’s attempt at a fully-financed Medicare-for-All plan, finding that, “the plan is full of dubious assumptions about the cost-savings that could be achieved under a single-payer system and the revenue that could be raised by the taxes and fees she would impose.”.

Category:  Health Go Health

There Is No Such Thing as a Public Health Expert AIER

WEBSince the beginning of COVID Mania, we’ve been told to “listen to the public health experts.” Governments and the corporate media has identified this category to us as individuals (Dr. Fauci, Rachel Levine, Tedros Adhanom, Bill Gates) and groups (CDC, WHO, Gates Foundation, Imperial College, etc) that are supposedly the best resources …

Category:  Health Go Health

Individualism and Public Health: Tensions and Challenges AIER

WEBWhat it has done, for various reasons, is highlight the continuing uneasy relationship between individualism and both the idea and practice of public health. Public health is both an idea and an institutionalised practice. It is a central feature of the modern state (and of some earlier ones) and it raises all kinds of challenges for

Category:  Health Go Health

Government Intervention in Health Insurance Falls Short AIER

WEBThe Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, fell short of its main objectives. The goal of Obamacare was to expand access to health care and to reduce costs.It failed because it attempted to force transactions that would not happen in a free market. The act mandated that insurance companies offer coverage in the individual …

Category:  Health Go Health

What accounts for America’s life expectancy gap

WEBDeaths from these causes tend to cluster among younger people such that they disproportionately depress statistics regarding life expectancy at birth. Once you account for them, somewhere between 36 percent and 48 percent of the gap in life expectancy for men with other rich nations disappears. For women, these explain …

Category:  Health Go Health

Medical Journal Warns About Masks’ Potentially Devastating

WEBIt argues that masks are not merely a “talisman,” as the Journal of the American Medical Association said in April 2020 (before the authors were forced to retract three months later). The situation is far worse: masks are not just useless, but actively damaging to individual health and social well-being.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Lockdowns Worsen the Health Crisis AIER

WEBLockdowns Worsen the Health Crisis. One of the most infuriating aspects of a year replete with illogical, short-sighted public health mandates has been the utter failure of those within the public health profession to adequately address the role that poor diet and lack of exercise have played in exacerbating the coronavirus crisis. In fact

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

The Dangers of Masks AIER

WEBThis is a public health warning to the US population and elsewhere, as it appears that our public health agencies and television medical experts seem unable to address key health messages that could have a dramatic effect in reducing risk of severe sequelae in higher-risk populations such as the minority and African-American …

Category:  Medical Go Health

Wealth Precedes Health. Policy Should Reflect That. AIER

WEBThe connection with health is more than theoretical. In conjunction, political scientist Aaron Wildavsky wrote in 1980: “In the 100 years from 1870 to 1970, almost every increase in wealth has been accompanied by a corresponding increase in safety from accidents and disease.”. He showed in Searching for Safety that “Fundamentally, health

Category:  Health Go Health

WHO Deletes Naturally Acquired Immunity from Its Website

WEBSome estimates are as low as 10%, which is a far cry from the modelled 70% estimate of virus immunity that is standard within the pharmaceutical realm. Real life is vastly more complicated than models, in economics or epidemiology. The WHO’s past statement is a solid, if “pop,” description.

Category:  Health Go Health

How and Why Government Creates Disease Panic AIER

WEBAn excess of COVID-19 news generated anxiety and panic, also called “headline stress disorder”. Negative social media news generates psychological stress that was unknown in former times and is well suited to cause mass hysteria.”. Anthony Fauci, rather than Marty Makary, is more likely to be a source for a news story.

Category:  Health Go Health

No Lockdowns: The Terrifying Polio Pandemic of 1949-52 AIER

WEBIn 1949, the new polio epidemic appeared and swept through selective population centers, leaving its most tragic sign: children with wheelchairs, crutches, leg braces, and deformed limbs. For children with polio in the late 1940s, the disease caused paralysis in 1 in 1,000 cases of children aged 5 to 9. The rest had only mild symptoms …

Category:  Health Go Health

How Government Prolonged the Lobotomy AIER

WEBHistory. Ramming an icepick through someone’s eyelid to remove a part of their brain sounds like a horrifying method of torture. However, this procedure, named the lobotomy, was a common method to treat mental illness in the United States for nearly 40 years. From 1936 until 1972, nearly 60,000 people were lobotomized.

Category:  Health Go Health

The Great Reflation AIER

WEB“The financial crisis, the speculative bubble leading up to it, and the aftermath have proven once again just how true the old saying is that if you want to know what’s going on in the financial system, watch the banks. The banking system has always been the centerpiece of liquidity flows, and

Category:  Health Go Health

Herbert Spencer’s Critique of the Board of Health in 1851

WEBThe 19th century liberal philosopher Herbert Spencer included a devastating critique of the Board of Health in his 1851 book Social Statics, which argued that the bureaucratic properties of the agency had led it astray from its mission and even created an impediment to public health (David Hart provides a lengthy discussion of Spencer’s

Category:  Health Go Health

Why Unhealthy Food Is Cheap and Plentiful AIER

WEBThe result is just about as clear as empirical science can be. Among the justifications for the 1973 US Farm Bill was to assure consumers a plentiful supply of food at reasonable prices. Four decades later, the US population is burdened by substantial obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Suboptimal diet quality is a leading factor associated

Category:  Food Go Health

Jeffrey A. Singer AIER

WEBJeffrey A. Singer is a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and works in the the Department of Health Policy Studies. He is principal and founder of Valley Surgical Clinics, Ltd., the largest and oldest group private surgical practice in Arizona. He received his B.A. from Brooklyn College (CUNY) and his M.D. from New York Medical College.

Category:  Medical Go Health

Masking Children: Tragic, Unscientific, and Damaging AIER

WEB"Masking children is as absurd, illogical, nonsensical, and potentially dangerous as trying to stop ‘every case of Covid’ or ‘stopping Covid at all costs.’ Masks are not needed for children based on near zero risk in children. The risk of dying from Covid-19 is 'almost zero' for young people

Category:  Health Go Health