Eating for Your Health PETA

WebFilling your plate with meat, dairy products, and eggs could be a recipe for heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and even impotence.Leading health experts agree that going …

Actived: 4 days ago


Wondering About a Vegan Diet

WebCheck out our vegan starter kit and free mouthwatering recipes for cooking inspiration! You may have been thinking about a vegan lifestyle for a while but didn’t know where to start. …

Category:  Health Go Health

NIH Squanders Billions, Torments Animals in Experiments PETA

WebThe most recent independent study shows that a staggering 90% of basic research, most of which involves animals, fails to lead to treatments for humans. But the National Institutes …

Category:  Health Go Health

Make a Change for the Better—Try Our 3-Week Vegan Challenge

WebTake PETA’s 3-Week Vegan Challenge for Your Own Health. Going vegan reduces your risk of suffering from some of the leading causes of death in the U.S., including heart …

Category:  Health Go Health

Vegan Gut Health 101: Fermented Foods and Probiotics PETA

WebProbiotics are the powerhouse microorganisms in healthy digestive systems that make sure that nutrients from food get where they need to go and fight off bad bugs. …

Category:  Food Go Health

NIMH: Mind Your Manners and End Animal Experiments PETA

WebProgress is at a standstill—in part because of NIMH’s animal-obsessed one-track mind. Scaring mice will never lead to treatments for depression, for the following reasons: …

Category:  Health Go Health

Being Vegan: Healthy and Humane PETA

WebBeing vegan is as good for humans’ health as it is for animal welfare. There is no nutritional need for humans to eat any animal product; all our dietary needs, even as infants and …

Category:  Nutrition Go Health

What Happens to Your Body When You Go Vegan

WebAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the benefits of sticking with healthy vegan food choices over the long term include the following: …

Category:  Food Go Health

Joaquin Phoenix’s New Film ‘What the Health’ is NOW on Netflix

WebExecutive producer Joaquin Phoenix and the creators of the award-winning documentary Cowspiracy found out the answers. And they are blowing the lid off “the …

Category:  Health Go Health

NIH by the Numbers: Ineffective, Cruel, and Wasteful PETA

WebAmount of taxpayer money NIH directed to funding for animal and non-animal research projects in 2020: $37.5 billion. Amount of NIH research project funding that …

Category:  Health Go Health

Animal Agriculture Increases the Risk of Pandemics PETA

WebThree out of every four emerging infectious diseases in humans originate in animals and are in part caused by our reliance on animal agriculture—the farming of animals for food, …

Category:  Food Go Health

No Bones About It! Sweet Reasons to Switch to Coconut Sugar

WebWe can show empathy for animals through our choices, including the foods we eat. Though you may be aware of cane sugar’s harmful effects on human health and …

Category:  Food Go Health

Eating Meat Makes People Vulnerable in Pandemics PETA

WebEating Plant-Based Foods Makes People Less Vulnerable in Pandemics. A growing number of studies are drawing the connection between our food system and global pandemics …

Category:  Food Go Health

Dog Care 101: How to Take Care of Dogs In Your Home PETA

WebTake care to keep your dog safe in the car: Even on a 78°F day, the temperature inside a shaded car is 90°F, while the inside of a car parked in the sun can …

Category:  Health Go Health

Here Are 12 Reasons Why Milk Is Bad for You PETA Living

Web3. Lactose intolerance. The lactose in cow’s milk can be difficult for people to digest, resulting in nausea, cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Difficulty with dairy digestion …

Category:  Health Go Health

Are Dog Breeders Bad

WebBreeders’ obsession with “pure” bloodlines leads to inbreeding. This causes painful and life-threatening disabilities in “purebred” dogs, including crippling hip dysplasia, blindness, …

Category:  Health Go Health

Coronavirus Vaccine: NIH Goes Straight to Human Trials PETA

WebMany other scientists and experts agree. But when it comes to a new coronavirus vaccine, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is finally heeding PETA’s …

Category:  Coronavirus Go Health

10 Terrible NIMH-Funded Animal Experiments—and How You Can …

Web6 min read. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has shocked, brain-damaged, and cut open animals in pointless experiments since it was founded in …

Category:  Health Go Health